You might be wondering what the title of this visual means. Translated from Latin, "Sic parvis magna" means "Greatness from small beginnings". Not only is it a pretty motivational quote, but it's also the quote that set Nathan Drake into a life of thievery. Drake's life is the double edged sword that makes Playstation's Uncharted series so thrilling, unique and captivating. Unlike SENUA, my last videogame-photography visual, I've focused on one part of Drake's epic journey in Uncharted 3 instead of the overall experience.
When playing Uncharted 3, the desert sequence stayed with me the most. It subtly expressed just how dedicated Drake is to his goal, not just getting the treasure, but saving his mentor Sully from antagonistic organisation, The Order. It also showed Drake at his most vulnerable, alone in the desert desperate for help. You can view each photo below, captioned with my in-depth explanation and thought process behind each photo.